Prof. Dr. Kai C. Andrejewski has been a Senior Partner of the Agora Strategy Group since November 1st, 2024.
The long-standing Managing Partner and Regional Board Member at KPMG brings profound academic expertise as a university professor, as well as practical, operational expertise to his mandates as a supervisory board member, auditor and consultant of well-known Dax and M-Dax companies, as well as CFO of SIXT SE, a globally and dynamically active company.
With his extensive knowledge as a sustainability and financial strategist, the capital market expert advises CEOs and CFOs, supervisory boards and committees on geopolitical developments and questions of strategic action in increasingly complex global markets.
He sees his task above all in making his clients resilient with tailor-made strategies and making use of their strategic opportunities. The so-called "G.E.T Model", which he developed as part of his work for the Think Tank Audit Committee Institute, the impact paragdima of geopolitics, ESG norms and technology development, is a blueprint for consulting and solution approaches.
Corporate Strategy, Internationalisation and Supply Chain Risk, Global Network Development.