Prof. Dr. Kai Andrejewski joins Agora Strategy: Expert in capital market and financial strategy strengthens Agora Strategy’s position as leading geopolitical consultancy
Munich, November 5, 2024 – Prof. Dr. Kai Andrejewski, renowned financial strategist and capital market expert, has joined Agora Strategy Group AG as senior partner. With his extensive experience as former CFO of SIXT SE, long-serving divisional head at KPMG as well as supervisory board member in the capital markets environment, he will support the geopolitical strategy consultancy in advising companies and CEOs worldwide at the intersection of financial strategy and geopolitical risks and opportunities to ensure their future success.
Thereby, Agora Strategy addresses the growing need for geopolitically resilient capital and financial market strategies. The combination of capital market expertise and geopolitical insight is becoming crucial in view of the rising geopolitical risks, which significantly impact access to capital and financing conditions in international markets. For companies, it is therefore becoming more critical to factor these elements into their strategic decisions to ensure sustained success.
Agora Strategy Group is a leading provider in the geopolitical strategy consultancy market, offering a range of services, including strategy development and internationalization but also tailored risk analyses, business development in complex foreign markets, global positioning strategies, and government advisory. In an increasingly interconnected and complex world, geopolitical developments play a pivotal role in shaping business strategies. Its clients include leading DAX and MDAX companies, international corporations, and medium-sized enterprises. Just a few months ago, Agora Strategy announced a comprehensive strategic partnership with Porsche Consulting.
Prof. Dr. Kai Andrejewski brings over 30 years of experience in financial strategy, auditing, sustainability, and corporate governance. He draws on in-depth expertise in international capital markets and will now apply his knowledge to Agora Strategy’s geopolitical consulting, supporting companies in developing future-proof, geopolitically resilient financial strategies.
Dr. Timo Blenk, Senior Partner, Agora Strategy: “I am delighted that Dr. Andrejewski has chosen to join us! Not only does this mean that we are gaining a top international executive as senior partner, but we are also strengthening our consulting expertise in a strategically growing area!”
Prof. Dr. Kai Andrejewski, Senior Partner, Agora Strategy: “I am excited to bring a new dimension to geopolitical strategy consulting at Agora Strategy and to support CEOs, CFOs, supervisory boards, and companies in understanding how geopolitical developments impact their financial strategies and how they can adapt to shifting global capital markets.”
Fabian Vetter
+49 89 2153 693-32
+49 152 5106 9060
Über Agora Strategy:
Agora Strategy ist ein geopolitisches Beratungsunternehmen, das 2015 als Spin-off der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz von Botschafter a.D. Prof. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Ischinger, Präsident des Stiftungsrats der Stiftung Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, gegründet wurde. Agora Strategy ist spezialisiert auf politische Risikoanalysen, strategische Politikberatung und internationales Krisenmanagement. Die mehr als 300 Senior Advisors und Fellows von Agora Strategy, aus Politik, Diplomatie, Sicherheit und Verteidigung, Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft, sind weltweit, regional und lokal vernetzt. Auf Grundlage dieses einzigartigen Netzwerks bietet Agora Strategy mittelständischen und großen Unternehmen, Regierungen und multinationalen Institutionen maßgeschneiderte Beratungsleistungen. Agora Strategy hat seinen Hauptsitz in München und Büros in Berlin, Paris und Brüssel.